French, William (Billy) - Obituaries | Résidences funéraires Cass inc.

French, William (Billy)

FRENCH, William (Billy)

1928 - 2022

William Victor (Billy) French (1928 - 2022) of Island Brook passed away peacefully on December 21, 2022 at the CHSLD Weedon.  

Predeceased by his wife Ruth Corrigan, his brothers Lawrence, Harvey, Clinton, and his sister Elizabeth. Survived by eight nieces and one nephew. 

Arrangements have been entrusted to Cass Funeral Home and there will be a spring interment at Eaton Cemetery.

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4 messages received

All the family

Our deepest sympathy.

Judy and Ernie Dubeau, December 29, 2022

all of Billys family

you all have my deepest sympathies

Rita and Mary Lebourveau , December 29, 2022

William french

Mes sympathies a la familles de mr french RIP

Michel Gallant, December 30, 2022

The Family

Our sympathies to all his Family.

Lise Houle and Rainer Lowry, December 31, 2022

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