Dewing Vallière, Jean - Obituaries | Résidences funéraires Cass inc.

Dewing Vallière, Jean


1932 - 2024

Jean Dewing Vallière


Mrs. Vallière died on February 22, 2024 at 91 years of age, at the CHSLD St. Vincent, Sherbrooke. She was predeceased by her husband Donald Vallière, and her sister Alice Dewing Martel.

She leaves to mourn her nieces Gaetane (Mario Bousquet), Monique (late Jacques Letourneau), Nicole, Lucie (Camile Gilbert), and her nephew Charles (Carole Gaudreau), as well as all their children.

Visitation will take place on Friday March 8 at Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St., Sherbrooke from 5:00-7:00 pm.

Donations to Sand Hill Cemetery where Jean will be buried would be appreciated by the family.

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3 messages received

The family

We were neighbors of Jean and Donald’s for many years. She was one of the sweetest ladies we know. She will be missed.
Donna and Jeff Sylvester

Donna , February 27, 2024

The family

My sincerest sympathies to all the family.

Marilyne Bélanger, February 27, 2024

La famille de Jean

Nos sympathies nos pensées vous accompagnent

Oscar et Pierrette Clément , March 2, 2024

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