Rothganger Ratsep, Hildegard - Obituaries | Résidences funéraires Cass inc.

Rothganger Ratsep, Hildegard


1929 - 2024

Peacefully at the Grace Village, on February 4, 2024, passed away Mrs. Hildegard Ratsep (née Rothganger) at the age 95. She was the wife of the late Karl Ratsep.

A private burial will be held at a later date in the spring in the Elmwood Cemetery.

Arrangements entrusted to the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St. Sherbrooke (Lennoxville)

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To the family

Hildegard was my mother’s neighbour on Durham Street. She was such a lovely , kind and gentle lady. So passionate about her beautiful garden. What a beautiful smile she had. May she rest in peace xx

Eve Marie Bureau, February 11, 2024

Hildegard's niece and nephews

Our condolences.
We knew Hildegard as she lived around the corner from us and she attended the same church.
She always did everything to perfection.
We will always keep in our hearts the memories of the times spent together.

Pauline & Pamela Goodenough , February 11, 2024

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