Scott (Cox), Anna Marie - Obituaries | Résidences funéraires Cass inc.

Scott (Cox), Anna Marie

SCOTT (COX), Anna Marie

1928 - 2022

Peacefully at the Wales Home in Richmond on March 14, 2022 in her 94th year. Marie leaves behind her beloved husband of 67 years, Glenn, her loving children Douglas and Faye (Peter Smith) and her cherished grandchildren Kevin (Emma Muise) and Alyssa (Scott Haasen).

She also leaves her sister Joan Nurse, sister-in-law Grace Cox and brother-in-law John Perry. Marie was predeceased by her brothers Douglas and Graham Cox, and sisters Dorothy Dinan, Ruth Gilbert and Grace Perry. She will also be missed by many nieces, nephews and friends.

A graveside service to be held in the spring.

The family would like to thank the staff of Norton 2 at Wales Home for their kind, compassionate and dedicated care.

If friends so desire, donations to the Wales Home Foundation or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated.

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7 messages received

Faye and Doug

So very sorry for your loss ... but heaven's gain, we know. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

Sue Perry-Ettel , March 19, 2022


My sincere condolences to you and your family. Your mother will be deeply missed I am sure but she will be watching over you.

Roxanne Bureau, March 20, 2022

Glen, Doug, Faye and Family

My condolences to all of you in the passing of Marie. When our young family moved to Waterville many years ago, we were next-door neighbours to Glenn and Marie. We became good friends. Our kids played together. I have many fond memories of our families' camping together along the St. Lawrence River in Ontario, swimming at their cottage etc. Special memories for sure. Marie was a very kind and thoughtful lady, always with a ready smile. Even though Marie has not been well for several years, she will be missed by all of you and by those who were close to her.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
~ Sheila Andrews

Sheila Andrews, March 20, 2022

Glen Scott and family

My sincere condolences to you and your family. Anna Marie was a very special person and always knew who you were. She will be missed by all who knew her.

Douglas Robinson, March 21, 2022

All Family Members and Friends

So sorry for the great loss of your dear Marie.

She will be missed by many as she was loved by all.

Our deepest sympathy to you all.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this very difficult time.

Linda Raymond Deacon & Roy Sylvester, March 24, 2022

Family and loved ones

My sympathies

Debra Martin, March 25, 2022

Faye,Peter,Kevin and Alyssa

I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom ,Faye, and Kevin's Grandma. I never had a chance to meet her ,even at Kevin and Emma's wedding and I wish I could have. Kevin has spoken of her with affection and I know he has cherished memories. Thinking and praying for you.
Take care, Linda,John and family

Linda Muise, March 29, 2022

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