Lassenba, Brian - Avis de décès | Résidences funéraires Cass inc.

Lassenba, Brian


1948 - 2024

Brian Lassenba


It is with sadness that we announce the death of Brian Lassenba on March 17 at the CHUS Fleurimont, with his family by his side. He was the son of the late Herbert Lassenba and the late Rena Blair, and was predeceased by his brother Bill.

He leaves to mourn his loving wife Judy; his sons Wayne (Tiffany Vance) and Odell (Mélanie Létourneau); his grandchildren Tyler, Brenna, Nathan, Jenna, Erika; and his great-grandchildren Temperance and Roman. He will be missed greatly by his brother Blair (Penny) and his sister Shelley (Randy); sisters-in-law Cynthia, Kathryn, Lynda and Victoria; brothers-in-law Jim and Andrew.

There will be a visitation on Saturday, March 23 at Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St., Sherbrooke, from 1:00-4:00 pm.

A private family funeral will take place at a later date.

17 messages reçus

The Lassenbra Family

You have our deepest sympathy on your loss. We will be in our th during this difficult time.

Barry and Laura Deadman , le 19 mars 2024

Odell and family.

Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Paul and Anne Marie , le 19 mars 2024

Odell and all the family

Our deepest sympathy.

Judy Langevin Dubeau and Ernie Dubeau, le 19 mars 2024

The family

Sending our love and sympathy to you all at this very sad time. Brian was a great guy.
Jeff and Donna Sylvester

Donna , le 19 mars 2024

Brian’s Family

My sympathy in your loss

Barb Ward, le 19 mars 2024

The Family

Our sincere sympathies to all the family for your loss.

Mike and Marilyne Bélanger , le 20 mars 2024

Odell et sa famille

Mes sincères sympathies Odell ainsi qu'à ta famille

Isabelle Roy , le 20 mars 2024

The Lassenba Family

Sorry for your loss. Brian was a nice person who always stopped and spoke to all. He will be missed.

Al & Trudy, le 20 mars 2024

The Family

Our deepest sympathy to the family.

Lynn & Georgia Hodge, le 20 mars 2024

The Lassenba family

Our sincere sympathies .... We think of you in this difficult time .

Suzanne & Marcel Labranche , le 20 mars 2024

Judy and Family

Heartfelt sympathy to you and family from Garth and I, Brian was a real nice guy and will be missed by many. Cherish your memories.

Marian Mackay, le 21 mars 2024

The Lassenba Family & Currier Family

Our very deepest sympathy during this sad time. Going to miss Brian, going by the house. May he Rest In Peace.

Collin, Karen & Travis Laberee, le 22 mars 2024

Judy & family

Our deepest sympathy to you all. Brian will be sadly missed by everyone that knew him.

Ross Aulis & Wendy Mackay, le 23 mars 2024

Judy and all Lassenba family

our deepest sympathy for the loss of Brian, he would stop and chat everytime he was driving around town. RIP Brian

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Jenny Davis and Rick Olsson, le 23 mars 2024

Judy and all the family

With sympathy we are thinking of all of you

Ian and EdithMcburney, le 23 mars 2024

The Lassemba family

Our deepest sympathy to all of you.
Our thoughts are with you in this time of loss.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Simone Morin & family, le 26 mars 2024

Wayne / ODell

My sympathies Wayne / Odell and the family .

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Stephen, le 27 mars 2024

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